Panacea Global Hair Services is one of the leading centers for hair transplant in Delhi located at New Delhi. Panacea Global Hair Services has the expert surgeon and the owner of Panacea Global Hair Services hair transplant center offering result-oriented treatment with advanced hair transplant techniques at an affordable cost.
Hair transplant procedures have earned a good reputation among all other hair loss solutions. Earlier the hair transplant procedures were criticized and still some of the hair loss sufferers misjudge the procedure which halt their way to undergo a brilliant hair loss solution.
With the huge advancements in the field of hair transplant, it has become a big success because of which the demand of the procedure has raised worldwide.
Indians are praised widely for their art and sculpting and if a cosmetic surgeon is gifted with such skills that can do wonders. Panacea Global Hair Services has one such surgeon for hair transplant who is worldwide famous for his exemplary artistic skills and is abbreviated as “master of artistic skills”. Panacea Global Hair Services hair transplant clinic is one of the most recognized and celebrated hair transplant clinics in Delhi, India which has a huge patient footfall from all around the globe and is among the celebrity’s choice clinics.
It is an elective procedure which a patient has to choose and is not performed in an emergency. Patients can take his own sweet time to decide whether to undergo the procedure and choose the best hair transplant clinic for themselves.
It is an outpatient surgical procedure which is performed by taking out the hair follicles from your own body specifically from the areas where there are permanent hair roots and then these hair grafts are gently planted into the recipient bald area.
The procedure is purely a restorative procedure and it has nothing to do with regenerating new hair follicles or ceasing further hair loss from the existing hair areas. There is no procedure developed by now which can either cease the permanent hair loss or regenerate the lost hair follicles.
So far hair transplant is the most effective and the best solution for hair loss which is truly worth only when performed by expert and skilled hands. It would surely be a life changing experience for those who hope to see hairs on their bald heads and flaunt them with different styles.
What is the Cost of Hair Transplant in India?
The hair transplant cost in India is way too affordable when we compare with the cost in other developed nations. Recently, India has been considered among the nations providing the excellent services of hair transplant with the standards meeting the international levels. But still the cost of the hair transplant is approximately 5 – 6 times lesser than the cost in other developed nations.
The economical cost and excellent hair transplant surgeons with world class services grab the attention of people from all around the globe to visit the nation for hair transplant tourism.
The approximate cost of hair transplant in Delhi is around 60,000 to 400,000 INR depending on multiple factors which are associated with the procedure which is listed below. The most crucial element deciding the cost of the procedure is the number of hair grafts required to cover the bald area. Each hair graft for hair transplant probably costs from 40 – 120 INR which varies according to the reputation of the clinic and the hair transplant surgeon including the location of the clinic.
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